Megan Flanagan
Graduate Student
I am currently an M.S. student at Texas State University working towards a degree in Population Biology and Conservation. I am researching the impacts of traffic noise on cognition, behavior, growth and glucocorticoid response of frogs and tadpoles. My research interests are comparative endocrinology, ecology, evolution and conservation biology. I have a BS in Zoology from Kentucky Wesleyan University and intend to pursue a PhD after I graduate in Spring 2023.
Research Interests
I started my research journey during my undergraduate experience where I collected data for call sampling surveys of frogs and toads in Kentucky. This was my first exposure to amphibian research, and I was hooked. Moving forward, I knew I wanted to produce research that would be beneficial to amphibian conservation.
After my BS, I joined GASP lab at Texas State University to work under Dr. Gabor. GASP lab is known for using noninvasive waterborne hormones to measure stress in fish and amphibians. During my MS, I studied how the impacts of traffic noise affected the cognition, behavior, growth, activity and glucocorticoid response of both adult and larval frogs. It was this work that spurred my interest in early life stress exposure and carryover effects. I believe that conservation research aimed at juveniles is particularly important as early life experiences can have profound implications on adult experiences and survival.
In the future, I will be pursuing a Phd in aquatic resources and integrative biology. I will measure waterborne hormones in lesser sirens over 2 years to track how environmental factors such as temperature, precipitation, community composition, etc. impact the stress response of juvenile sirens. My goal is to produce meaningful conservation research and publish in high impact journals.
Flanagan, M.M., Stottlemyre, H.J., Gabor, C.R., Does traffic noise affect growth, activity, and glucocorticoid response in two species of tadpole? Texas Herpetological Society Conference, San Marcos, TX 2022
Flanagan, M.M., Gabor, C.R., Consequences of Anthropogenic Noise on Behavior and Cognitive Performance of Acris crepitans. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2022.
Flanagan, M.M., Gabor, C.R., Effects of Noise on Behavior and Cognition of Acris crepitans. Texas Herpetological Society Conference, Austin, TX 2021